Learn More About the Assessment Process
What exactly does a comprehensive assessment involve?
A psychological evaluation (a.k.a. psychological testing, psychological assessment) includes screening for a variety of conditions including learning, attention, mood, anxiety, speech and language, social skills, and other concerns. It also includes a collection of “evidence-based” tests (meaning research-supported) to determine where your child’s abilities fall when compared to same-aged peers.
How much will this cost?
I am an out-of-network provider for all insurance plans. My office payment policy for testing is that payment needs to be made in full at the time of testing. I accept checks and credit cards.
Will my insurance cover the cost?
Most insurance companies do not cover psychological assessment costs. Plans that do include testing will typically only reimburse you for a portion of the costs. Please call your insurance company to determine benefits. Reimbursement for the cost of evaluations vary depending on insurance coverage. Often the coverage depends on the child’s diagnosis, which the insurance company will use to determine whether the testing is ‘medically necessary.’ If you are seeking reimbursement for some of the testing expenses, I will provide you a detailed invoice after the testing is completed for you to submit to your insurance company.
How do I prepare my child for the day of testing?
Many parents feel nervous about the actual testing days. The night before testing, just follow your normal routine. Try to ensure your child is well-rested and fed. You may want to pack a healthy snack for break times and arrive a few minutes early to allow your child to become familiar with my office and to get settled before starting. I ask for guardians to remain in my office waiting room throughout the duration of the testing session, so plan accordingly.
My child takes medicine, should he take it the day of testing?
Typically, I like to meet with your child on at least two separate days so that I can observe them both on and off their medication. We will talk more about this during our in-person meeting.
I think this might be the best option for my child. How do I start this process?
Click here to schedule a free, 15-minute initial phone consultation with me to see if you think we’d be a good fit. At this time, we will determine whether an in-person interview is warranted and can start to work together and outline some quick steps you can take before your appointment.
The testing process starts with an initial 1.5 hour in-person interview with the parent(s) to gain a better understanding of the reason for referral and your child’s history. On another day, I will meet your child and conduct a short interview immediately followed by a testing session. Depending on the age of your child, testing sessions are typically conducted over a series of 2-3 hour sessions.
What happens after the testing is complete?
We will meet again for a feedback session approximately 2 weeks after testing after the report is completed to walk through your child’s results. The feedback session will be 50 minutes and I will be available by phone for additional questions afterwards should you have any.
Sometimes testing reveals a need for a referral to another professional such as a psychiatrist to evaluate additional needs. If additional referrals are part of your child’s individualized recommendations, I’ll help to connect you.